"I chose Good Shepherd Catholic School for Piper because of the teachers' dedication
to their students, the small class sizes, and the overall education that Piper receives daily.
Knowing that she is in a well-rounded safe environment is definitely an added bonus."
(Kate Shaw, GSS Parent)
Good Shepherd Catholic School takes the security and protection of your children very seriously.
Therefore, the following guidelines and policies have been implemented:
Click for information about Safe Environment Education & Certification for Volunteers.
Good Shepherd has adopted nationally recognized safety guidelines to insure a student is not alone with clergy, faculty, other staff members or volunteers. In addition, we have put in other safety measures on our campus such as adding glass windows to the confessional door and classroom doors.
In response to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People implemented by the USCCB in 2002, the Diocese of Lexington strives to provide a safe environment for all children and vulnerable adults within our parishes, school and diocesan apostolates. The Code of Conduct and on-going education is provided to clergy, employees, parents and children to raise awareness of warning signs that may indicate inappropriate behavior and abuse. Each staff member and any parent volunteer must comply with the Catholic Diocese of Lexington’s Code of Conduct which outlines various safety measures to be taken by all adults.
Security Cameras are at all exterior entrances. For added security, school hallways, stairwells, classrooms, and the main parking lot are monitored with cameras. The camera feeds are recorded, and monitors are located in the principal's office and at the front desk.
A state-of-the-art Card Access System is used for all permanent buildings at Good Shepherd. Access cards are issued to employees and monitored daily. Doors are automatically locked during school hours and can only be accessed using an assigned access card or key. All visitors must sign in and out through the school office.
Classroom Lockdown Response System by Bearacade® has been installed in all classroom doors in the permanent buildings. In the event of a hostile intruder, these doorway protection stops can be deployed in seconds and can withstand 4,800 pounds of external force. Practice drills are performed to ensure awareness.
Campus-wide intercom system for quick and effective communication indoors and outdoors.
School Safety Survey (includes buildings, grounds, playground) is performed quarterly.
AED devices are located in the school office (by the copier), in the lobby of the gym (near the front doors), in the cafeteria of the Parish Life Center (next to the drink station), in the entry of the Preschool Academy unit with the red awnings, and in the church near the water fountains. Each AED had pads for adults and children. AEDs are safe and easy to use, making it possible for non-medical personnel to provide rapid defibrillaton for victims of all ages. The AEDs are part of our parish's CPR and AED program that trains staff to recognize a cardiac emergency, perform CPR, and use the device to administer a shock to the heart. We
Fire drills are held monthly with lockdown procedures/earthquake/tornado drills scheduled quarterly.
Drop off and pick up procedures are reviewed annually for more safe and efficient methods. Currently teachers and staff are outside during drop-off and dismissal, and all staff are trained to observe the surroundings and notice if strangers are on campus.