In Religion class, the students will continue to develop their relationship with Jesus. Through the use of daily prayer, scripture readings, music, art, and performing, students will learn about: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Son of God, who became one of us, the Church and its teachings, as well as different ways Catholics live their faith and celebrate God’s love. We will also be using the Blessed Are We series to add to our Religion curriculum.
The Language Arts curriculum combines reading, writing, listening, speaking, and spelling skills. Each child will be learning and participating in these skills on a daily basis. Our Language Arts program is based on the Four Blocks Model of Literacy, with implementation of the Wonders reading program. Each child will be receiving small or whole group reading instruction, participating in independent reading, working with phonics and writing everyday. Good Shepherd uses the Heggerty for Phonemic Awareness instruction as well as the Phonics Dance.
Our Writing curriculum provides students unlimited opportunities to express their thoughts and ideas through various forms of writing. For Handwriting, we will be using the D’Nealian Handwriting SAVVAS curriculum for our Handwriting program. Handwriting is very important at this age.
The first grade Math program is based on the Sadlier curriculum. This curriculum was designed to capitalize on student interest and maximize student learning. First grade Sadlier Mathematics content emphasizes the following content strands, skills, and concepts: numeration, operations and computation, data and chance, geometry, measurement and reference frames, patterns, function, and algebra. We also supplement with Eureka Math.
The main concepts covered in first grade are: school/family/community, historical perspective, our country, maps/geography, dental health, fire safety, economics, past/present traditions/celebrations, and important people in history.
Our Science curriculum is based on the structure of the framework. Students describe scientific and engineering concepts/practices. They will ask questions, use models, construct, and evaluate these practices. Students will explore the different types of sciences, physical science, life science, earth and space science, and engineering, technology, and applied sciences.